

Faculty Profile

Industry Teaching Entrepreneurship


  • Please enter number of years of experience upto one decimal
  • Full Time PhD tenure should be excluded from Total Experience
  • Only Full Time employment experience should be mentioned

S.No. Timestamp Title of publication Name of Journal Date of Publication (DD/MM/YYYY) Indexing Category of Journal (if applicable) Impact Factor Total Number of Authors Number of Faculty Authors from UPES (including you) Please specify your role as Author Number of Faculty Authors neither first Author nor corresponding author from UPES (including you) Volume Number Issue No Page Number DOI Score Upload Research Paper Document ISBN/ISSN Numbers
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.Titleofpublication}} {{item.NameofJournal}} {{item.DateofPublication}} {{item.Indexing}}
{{item.ImpactFactor}} {{item.TotalNumberofAuthors}} {{item.NumberofAuthorsfromUPES}} {{item.FirstCorrespondingAuthor}} {{item.NumberofAuthorsfromUPESNeitherNor}} {{item.VolumeNumber}} {{item.IssueNo}} {{item.PageNumber}} {{item.DOI}} {{item.Score}} {{item.Jaurnalfile}} {{item.ISBN_ISSN_Numbers}} Delete

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S.No. Timestamp Name of Conference Title of Research Paper Nature of Participation Nature of Publication Total Number of Authors Number of Faculty Authors from UPES (including you) Please specify your role as Author Number of Faculty Authors neither first Author nor corresponding author from UPES (including you) From Date To Date Place of Conference Conference Organizer Type of Conference UPES funding received External funding received Proceedings Please uplaod All files in single PDF(Certificate, Leave and Financial Approval Copy, Conference Report) Score
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofConference}} {{item.TitleofConference}} {{item.NatureofParticipation}} {{item.NatureofPublication}}
{{item.TotalNumberofAuthors}} {{item.NumberofAuthorsfromUPES}} {{item.FirstCorrespondingAuthor}} {{item.NumberofAuthorsfromUPESNeitherNor}} {{item.FromDateConference}} {{item.ToDateConference}} {{item.PlaceofConference}} {{item.ConferenceOrganizer}} {{item.TypeofConference}} {{item.UPESfundingreceived}}
{{item.Proceedings}} {{item.CLFCRDOC}} {{item.Score}} Delete

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Please enter the total amount received against Registration Fee, Travel, Visa, Lodging and Boarding etc.
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S.No. Timestamp Name of Event Event Organizor Place of Event Type of Event Total Number of Participant Number of Faculty Participants from UPES (including You) Event Date (From) Event Date (To) Please upload all documents relevant to the event Score
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreateOn}} {{item.NameofEvent}} {{item.EventOrganizor}} {{item.PlaceofEvent}} {{item.TypeofEvent}} {{item.TotalNumberofParticipant}} {{item.NumberofFacultyParticipantsfromUPES}} {{item.EventDateFrom}} {{item.EventDateTo}} {{item.fileEnevtConf}} {{item.Score}} Delete
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S.No. Timestamp Name of Event Confreencet Organizor Place of Confrence Type of Event Confrence Date (From) Confrence Date (To) Please upload all documents relevant to the event Score
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreateOn}} {{item.NameofEvent}} {{item.ConfreencetOrganizor}} {{item.PlaceofConfrence}} {{item.TypeofEvent}} {{item.ConfrenceDateFrom}} {{item.ConfrenceDateTo}} {{item.FilerelevantDocuments}} {{item.Score}} Delete
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S.No. Timestamp Name of the Book Nature of the Book Number of Authors/Editors Number of Faculty Authors/Editors from UPES (including you) Your Role Publisher Name Category of Publisher Date of Publication ISBN Indexed Score
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofBook}} {{item.NatureofBook}} {{item.NumberofAuthors}} {{item.COAuthor}} {{item.YourRole}}
{{item.PublisherName}} {{item.CategoryofPublisher}} {{item.YearPublished}} {{item.ISBN}} {{item.Indexed}}
{{item.Score}} Delete

Please enter the number of the chapters authored

S.No. Timestamp Name of the Book Nature of the Book Number Of Chapters Category of Publisher Date of Publication Publisher Name ISBN Indexed
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofBook}} {{item.NatureofBook}} {{item.NumberOfChapters}} {{item.CategoryofPublisher}} {{item.YearPublished}} {{item.PublisherName}} {{item.ISBN}} {{item.Indexed}}
Name of the Chapters Number of Authors/Editors Your Role Score
{{item1.NameoftheChapter}} {{item1.NumberofAuthorsEditors}} {{item1.YourRole}} {{item1.Score}}

Name of the Chapters Number of Faculty Authors/Editors from UPES (including you) Your Role Score

S.No. Timestamp Nature of Funding Name of the Project Duration of Project Start Date of Project Expected End Date of Project Your Role Name of Funding Agency Nature of Funding Agency Currency Sanctioned Amount Proposal Copy Award Letter Utilization Certificate Project Completion report
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NatureofFunding}}
{{item.NameoftheProject}} {{item.DurationofProject}} {{item.StartDateofProject}} {{item.ExpectedEndDateofProject}} {{item.YourRole}} {{item.FundingAgency}} {{item.NatureofFundingAgency}}
{{item.Currency}} {{item.SanctionedAmount}} {{item.ProposalCopy}} {{item.AwardLetter}} {{item.UtilizationCertificate}} {{item.ProjectCompletionReport}}
Progress of Existing Project
S.No. Financial Year Sanctioned Amount Sanction Letters
{{$index+1}} {{itemSub.Financialyear}} {{itemSub.Sanctionedamount}} {{itemSub.SanctionLetters}} Delete
Please specify the nature of funding if you selected "Any Other"
Please specify the nature of funding agency if you selected "Any Other"
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S.No. Timestamp Affiliation Name of the Invention/Title of the IPR IPR Granted Agency Date of Filing/Publishing/awarding Number of inventors Are you the first inventor (Yes/No) Number of Faculty Co-Inventers from UPES (Including You) Nature of IPR National/International IPR Stage of the IPR Supporting Documents Score
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.Affiliation}} {{item.NameoftheInvention}} {{item.Patentawardingagency}} {{item.DateofFiling}} {{item.NumberofInventors}} {{item.FirstInventor}} {{item.NumberofFacultyCoInventersfromUPES}} {{item.NatureofPatent}} {{item.NIPatent}} {{item.StageofthePatent}} {{item.SupportingDocuments}} {{item.Score}} Delete
Yes No
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S.No. Timestamp Name of Award/Honour Date Received (DD/MM/YYYY) Awarding Agency Category of Award Copy of award certificate (Upload)
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofAward}} {{item.DateReceived}} {{item.AwardingAgency}} {{item.CategoryofAward}} {{fnremSpaces(item.CopyofAwardCertificate)}} Delete
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S.No. Timestamp Number of Ph.D. students enrolled under your supervision Number of Ph.D. Awarded (Only with UPES Affiliation) Your Role
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NumberofStudents}} {{item.NumberofAwarded}} {{item.YourRole}} Delete
S.No. Timestamp Number of Ph.D. Awarded (Only with UPES Affiliation)
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}}        Delete
Name of the Ph.D. candidate Title of the Thesis Date of Completion Your Role Score
{{item1.NameofthePHDCandidate}} {{item1.TitleoftheThesis}} {{item1.DateofCompletion}} {{item1.YourRole}} {{item1.Score}}

Name of the Ph.D. candidate Title of the Thesis Date of Completion Your Role Score

S.No. Timestamp Number of Ph.D. students enrolled under your supervision
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}}        Delete
Name of the Ph.D. candidate Title of the Thesis Date of Registration Status Date of Completion Your Role Score
{{item1.NameofthePHDCandidate}} {{item1.TitleoftheThesis}} {{item1.DateofRegistration}} {{item1.Status}} {{item1.DateofCompletion}} {{item1.YourRole}} {{item1.Score}}

Name of the PHD candidate Title of the Thesis Date of Registration Status Date of Completion Your Role Score
S.No. Timestamp Name of Memberships/Fellowship Awarding Agency Category
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofOrganization}} {{item.ProfessionalAwardingAgency}} {{item.Category}} Delete
S.No. Timestamp Name of the Qualification Details of the Qualification Date of Completion Specialization Name of Institute Country in which Institute Located Please specify the State/UT State in which Institute Located
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.NameofDegree}}
{{item.YearofCompletion}} {{item.Specialization}} {{item.NameofInstitute}} {{item.Country}} {{item.State}} {{item.StateInstituteLocated}} Delete

Yes No
Yes No
S.No. Timestamp Start Date End Date Name of Employer Category of Employer Total Tenure
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.StartDate}} Present {{item.EndDate}} {{item.NameofEmployer}} {{item.CategoryofEmployer}} {{item.TotalTenure}} Delete

I currently work here
Yes No
S.No. Timestamp Title of the Journal Publisher Impact Factor Roles Year of Becoming Editor No. of reviews Completed Calander Year
{{$index+1}} {{item.CreatedOn}} {{item.TitleoftheJournal}} {{item.Publisher}} {{item.ImpactFactor}} {{item.Roles}} {{item.YearofBecomingEditor}} {{item.NoofReviewsCompleted}} {{item.CalanderYear}} Delete
I hereby declare that the information stated above are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.*
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